FuturEcology - home of EmGuard™
Workable & cost effective solutions to land & water management issues
The FuturEcology Mission:
To use an understanding of ecological processes to provide smart solutions to land and water use issues.
Increasingly, landowners are finding that the need to balance the productive use of land within environmental constraints and consent conditions, often results in conflict.
FuturEcology draws on the combined technical expertise and practical experience of our diverse team to find workable and cost effective solutions to land and water management issues.
Our aim is to provide both practical and aesthetic outcomes which provide a winning solution for all stakeholders.
Saving the planet, one tree at a time
EmGuard™ the original environmentally friendly bio-degradable plant guards.
Developed by FuturEcology as a robust product and proven solution to plastic debris entering waterways from plantings on or near riparian margins and waterways. EmGuard™ are the tested and original cardboard plant guards, made in New Zealand.
2019 Winner of the ‘Clever Business Award’ Chamber of Commerce, Nelson.
”We really love working with you guys and our plant establishment is far FAR superior with the guards on. EmGuards™ make us look good.”-Andrew Vavasour, Vavasour Landscapes

“FuturEcology offers smart solutions for land & water usage”
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